
Thursday, August 24, 2023

Ellie the elephant

Once upon a time, in a far-off land, there lived a little elephant named Ellie. Ellie was very different from all the other elephants in her herd. She had a long trunk, big ears, and a small tail. Her fellow elephants seemed to be very bothered by Ellie's unique look, and none of them wanted to play with her.

One day, while Ellie was wandering in the forest, she stumbled upon a wise old owl who was sitting on a tree branch. The owl noticed that Ellie was feeling very sad, and asked her why.

"I'm not like the other elephants in my herd, and nobody wants to play with me," Ellie said, tears rolling down her cheeks.

The owl looked at Ellie and smiled. "Ellie, my dear, you are special. You have something that nobody else in your herd has. It's what makes you unique, and it's what makes you who you are."

Ellie looked at the owl, puzzled.

"You have a long trunk that can reach the highest branches of the trees and grab the juiciest fruits. You have big ears so you can hear all the sounds of the forest. And you have a small tail that allows you to move swiftly through the jungle," the owl explained.

Ellie thought about what the owl had said, and she realized that she did have special gifts. She started to see herself in a different light, and her self-esteem grew.

The next day, when Ellie returned to her herd, she noticed that all the other elephants were huddled together, trying to reach a group of delicious fruits that were hanging high up in a tree. Ellie decided to use her long trunk to help her fellow elephants reach the fruits. As she did this, the other elephants started to appreciate her unique qualities, and they began to play with her.

From that day on, Ellie was no longer alone. She had found her place in the herd, with her special qualities making her stand out. And she realized that being different wasn't a bad thing after all. In fact, it was something to be proud of. 

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