
Saturday, December 2, 2023


 In the mirror's gaze, a portal to unknown,

Reflections distorted, secrets yet unshown.

A gentle fog descends, shrouding the night,

A canvas for dreams, where imagination takes flight.

Within this mystic fog, whispers of the past,

Stories woven with tendrils, fading too fast.

But humans, the dreamers, decipher the signs,

Painting songs of color, melodies that intertwine.

Brushstrokes of vibrant hues, like rays of the sun,

Each stroke imbued with passion, a journey begun.

Their souls harmonize with the palette's delight,

Transcending the realms, where dreams take their flight.

Singing kaleidoscope notes, painting symphonies rare,

They unlock the elusive, the ethereal and fair.

In each vibrant stroke, secrets lie deep,

Melodies mirroring emotions, whilst they sleep.

The mirror reflects the beauty birthed by their soul,

A portal to realms where fantasies unfold.

Through mist and fog of night, they find their way,

Crafting tapestries of color with every passing day.

So let the mirror reveal mysteries untold,

As humans dance in the fog, their tales unfold.

With songs of colors, their essence they lavish,

Creating art that whispers, in a realm of magic.

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