
Sunday, August 23, 2015


Crying in the dead of night for love that's lost you see
Stupid bloody cupid he has played some tricks on me
If I catch the little bastard ill stick his arrow up his knee
That not the only place he'll feel it he will never have a wee
Stupid little noddy bastard I'll smack his arse with glee
He is lead on by women who have it in for me

This is an analasis of the poem
Cupid is a famous archer who is often associated with love and romance. However, in this case, the speaker of the poem seems to have a negative opinion of him. They are upset that Cupid has played tricks on them and caused them pain. The speaker expresses their desire to catch Cupid and punish him for his actions. They also express their intention to take revenge on Cupid by sticking his arrow up his knee, which is a metaphor for causing him physical pain.
The poem also suggests that the speaker's negative experiences with love have led them to have a negative perception of Cupid. They believe that Cupid is a "stupid bloody cupid" who has played tricks on them and caused them pain. The speaker also implies that Cupid is not the only one to blame for their problems, stating that women who have it in for them have also contributed to their pain.
Overall, the poem expresses a negative view of Cupid and his actions, and suggests that the speaker is looking for revenge and punishment for the pain he has caused them.

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